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  • Magazine Global Network of Neurofibromatosis Patient Organisations
  • Interview with Dr. Gabriel Mindler Read the research interview with the Austrian orthopedic specialist who talks about Scoliosis treatment.
  • How to cope with a medical intervention Surgieries are stressful and make one anxious. We have good tips on how to handle them.
  • Treatment methods for Scoliosis We have researched what treatment methods exist. Take a look!
  • Hero of the Month We talked with the Greek boy Panagiotis who suffers from NF1 but inspires us!
  • Research News Find out how bone health can be assessed.
  • Introduction

    Dear readers,
    I can finally introduce this month’s edition of the NFPU online magazine. My name is Karin Hoogendijk, I’m the Chair of NF Patients United and the responsible for this magazine. This time, the NFPU Team focuses on NF1-related orthopedic symptoms such as Scoliosis, Pseudarthrosis or Osteoporosis.

    We spoke with Dr. Mindler from the Austrian Speising hospital what kind of treatments exist for children with NF1 who suffer from orthopedic problems. He specialized on bone abnormalities and has over 10 years experience in dealing with Scoliosis and tibia deformities.

    In terms of mental health, for this edition we discuss how parents can deal with a medical intervention of their child. Surgeries, especially complex ones, can cause a lot of stress and anxiety in parents and the child. We spoke with the Austrian health and clinical psychologist Natascha Walik who gave advice on how to deal with those situations and feelings.

    We also talked with the mother of Panagiotis, a young Greek boy who suffers from Pseudoarthrosis in the tibia and has had several surgeries. He is our Hero of the Month because he is thriving despite his orthopedic issues. For him and all the others young ones suffering from some type of NF, we have a Kids Corner that offers playful games for the upcoming warmer months and some DIY projects.

    And lastly, I want to thank you for supporting NF Patients United and this online magazine. If you like our work, we would be pleased if you gave us a donation. Every small amount counts, so we can have more resources to better support people battling with all types of NF and continue to make this online magazine better!

    • Donations A small gesture with a big effect.

      READING TIME < 1 min. Information

    • Bone abnormalities Find out more about NF1-related bone issues like Scoliosis.
      7548Bone abnormalities

      READING TIME 4 min. Article

    • Glossary If you don't understand all the medical terms, look them up here.

      READING TIME 2 min. Article

    • Hero of the Month We spoke with Panagiotis, an inspring Greek boy who has NF1
      7578Hero of the Month

      READING TIME 3 min. Article

    • How to cope with a medical intervention Surgieries are stressful and make one anxious. We have good tips on how to handle them.
      7613How to cope with a medical intervention

      READING TIME 4 min. Interview

    • Interview with Dr. Gabriel Mindler Read the research interview with the Austrian orthopedic specialist who talks about Scoliosis treatment
      7632Interview with the orthopedic specialist Dr. Mindler

      READING TIME 4 min. Interview

    • Kids Corner Find online games for the kids and some summer prints.
      7622Kids Corner

      READING TIME < 1 min. Article

    • Research News What advances has research made in terms of bone health in NF1?
      7560Research News

      READING TIME 4 min. Article

    • NF Calendar What is happening in the NF World? Find out about big events.
      7587The NF Calendar 2024

      READING TIME 4 min. Article

    • Treatment methods for Scoliosis Find out how Scoliosis can be treated
      7568Treatment methods for Scoliosis

      READING TIME 3 min. Article



    A small gesture with a big effect.



    A small gesture with a big effect.