Rare Disease

Equity for people living with a Rare Disease

Rare Disease Day is being celebrated on February 29th. The campaign was launched by EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe and its Council of National Alliances in 2008. With over 300 million people globally living with a rare disease, we join hands across borders and amidst the 6000+ rare diseases to advocate for equitable access to diagnosis, treatment, care, and social opportunities.

72% of rare diseases are genetic, like NF is. They impact a vast number of people. On Rare Disease Day we call for action for people living with a rare disease to have equal opportunities to realise their full participation in family, work and social life. We from NFPU have founded a strong European association to overcome these challenges together for all patients with NF.

Find info on how to raise awareness in your community here: https://www.rarediseaseday.org/
